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RAD Basic Physical Defense Course

Saturday Jan 18th  11:00-4:00

Sunday    Jan 19th    1:00-4:00


$100.00  (No registration fee required)

Family rate of $75 per person


RAD Basic review Class


Advanced RAD Section I



Must have completed the Basic Course

Additional striking techniques will be introduced

and new counter techniques for different grabs

$40.00 course fee and $40 AMAC if not current

Advanced RAD Section II


Must have completed the Basic Course

  • Ground Defense:

  • Movement and kicks

  • Trap and push

  • Attacker on top

  • Leg grabs

  • $40.00 course fee and $40 AMAC if not current

Weapon Defense Course


Must have completed the Basic Physical defense course

$80.00 course fee and $40 AMAC if not current (current registration period is June 2017-Aug 2018

Please fill out an AMAC registration form to be put on the interest list for the next program.

The National Standard in Self Defense Education(tm)

The Rape Aggression Defense System is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women. The R.A.D. System is a comprehensive, women-only course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and risk avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. R.A.D. is not a Martial Arts program. Our courses are taught by nationally certified R.A.D. Instructors and provide each student with a workbook/reference manual. This manual outlines the entire Physical Defense Program for reference and continuous personal growth, and is the key to our free lifetime return and practice policy for R.A.D. graduates.

Contact Us

Submit an electronic registration form

The Basic Self-Defense course is a 12 - 16 hour course.

Cost is $75.00 plus the $40.00 AMAC registration fee

scholarships are available - no woman will be turned away

Basic Physical Defense course outline:

Utilizing R.A.D. student manual, students will be involved in a discussion of risk reduction strategies, the acquaintance rape mentality, the continuum of survival defensive strategies, and the basic principals of defense. The pros and cons of defensive weaponry,how to develop a defensive mindset, understanding offensive and defensive postures, recognizing vulnerable locations, and utilizing personal weapons will also be discussed.

Hands on training: The techniques utilized by RAD Systems are based on simple gross motor skills and are developed to the point that they become instinctual through repetition. Students will have the opportunity to use these techniques in dynamic impact training by striking padded equipment held by the instructors. All techniques in the basic course target a single attacker.


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Certified Instructors: Becky Hesser and Amanda Hesser

The Advance Self-Defensestrategies for women is designed to serve as an extension of the basic program and is taught in component block supplements to the basic course. The advanced blocks include combinations, kicking series, ground defense, multiple attackers, knife/firearms defense and more.

Basic Physical Defense course is a prerequisite.

Advanced blocks may be scheduled at the convenience

of the students

Instructor: Becky Hesser

Email or call to sign up for the next class.

Keychain Defense Options is another course for the woman who has completed the Basic course. This course is a minimum of 4 hours.

The R.A.D. Keychain Defense Options course is one of the only realistic and court-defensible impact weapons programs available for the general public. Combining proven R.A.D. Physical Defense strategies with revolutionary impact weapons defense techniques makes this program a worthy addition to the R.A.D. System.

Realistic employment, combat effectiveness, ‘light impact”, fluid transitions and even simulation training exercises are all part of this program. This program revolves around use of the Kubaton in conjunction with weapon-enhanced physical skills. “No Flash and Trash” techniques here, only the best of the best!

Student manual and defensive keychain are provided.

Basic Self Defense for Seniors is for men and women ages 60 and up. ( may also be appropriate for those with special needs) 

The instructional objective is to improve the personal safety of seniors through pro-active strategies and physical techniques which address issues unique to their are group.

This course is designed to empower seniors through education, dependency on self, decision making responsibility and self realization of physical power.

The course is taught in ten (10) one and a half(1.5) hour long sessions. Each participant will receive a manuel for reference.

The non-physical portions of this program may also be presented to groups independent of the physical aspects.

Instructor: Becky Hesser

Key Chain Defense course

Saturday, TBA  12:00-4:00

Must have completed the Basic Physical Defense course

$45.00 course fee 

Fee includes manual and Kubaton

  - RAD Self- defense for young men

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