A Martial Arts and Dance Studio
Alaska Moving Arts Center
Here are some personal stories from AMAC instructors and families
From Miss Marissa (Modern Dance)
From kindergarten through my senior year of high school, going to dance class at the Alaska Moving Arts Center was the highlight of my week. The older I got, the more I grew to love going to class and learning the art form. Along with age came a greater desire to perfect the annual recital dance and interest to explore different dance forms. I remember the pivotal time in my life when I began to understand my passion for dance; the Alaska Moving Arts Center was not only the reason I loved dance, but the avenue that I was able to grow into the dancer, choreographer, teacher, and person I am today. I grew up dancing at AMAC, got my first job teaching at AMAC, and then pursued the dance minor at UAA while dancing, choreographing, and directing shows at the college level. Most of my friends now are dancers, my education is in dance, I adore every student I have had at AMAC, and I cherish the fact I get to be a part of the institution that shaped me. I would not be the person I am today, have the education I have today, or be a part of the community I am today without the Alaska Moving Arts Center. Please, help us continue the traditions, passion for art, smiles, and tutus for another 30 years by helping us during our time of need.
From Miss Katie (Cheer)
I don’t think I can tell you how much the Alaska Moving Arts Center means to me in one Facebook post, but I’ll try. When we moved to Alaska in 2002 my mom enrolled me in my first ballet class with Miss Amy. Little did I know how big of an impact she would have on my life and the lessons she would teach me (not just in dance) that would help shape who I am today. I grew up at AMAC with most of my best friends and made memories I’ll never forget.
Fast forward to 15 years later and I am offered a job to instruct cheer at AMAC. I don’t think there are words to describe how fulfilling this job is. To teach such a special, wonderful and talented group of young girls is such a gift. I’m their teacher but somehow I think they teach me something new every single time I see them.
From Sensei Kyle (Karate)
For any familiar with AMAC who are unfamiliar with me – I, like many, was raised within the walls of the Moving Arts Center (which to me was referred to exclusively as “The Dojo”). From my humble beginnings in the Tiny-Tykes class at the age of two, the adults and instructors at AMAC acted as an extended family to me (providing me with arguably more sets of parental figures than any child needs). Most importantly, they taught me the importance of both community involvement and communal support. Currently, I am one of several second-generation instructors, who was brought up taking classes at AMAC, and now as an adult teaches one of those very same classes. I believe this speaks volumes about AMAC as an organization.
From Tiny Tykes to taking over one of my foremost teacher’s classes to serving on the Board of Directors, The Dojo has shown me the potential fruits born from communal investment. For over thirty years, AMAC has kept its doors wide open to instruct any/all ages in the moving arts. Please, help me guarantee that those same doors stay open for thirty more years to come.
From Holly Tarkon (former student)
The Alaska Moving Arts Center and The people there were probably one of the most impactful aspects of my life. Not only was I encouraged  creatively, I also found a love of performing there, which intern lead me to eventually chase my dreams and move to NYC.
The people there are some of the most special people I’ve met and Miss Amy was not only a teacher and a role model but I feel like she was somewhat of a guardian angel in my life. This is a place where all are welcome, where their students health is a priority.
This is a place that needs help so it can continue to help impact lives that way it did for my family.
From Vickie Garrison Citro (board member)
When Marissa Lynn Citro and Vanessa Citro were very small I enrolled them in Pre-ballet classes in the Alaska Moving Arts Center. It was pure luck that I met Amy Lindsey and decided to enroll them there, even though we did not live in Eagle River. Looking back, it was one of the best parenting decisions I made. That decision led to both girls taking many years of dance through AMAC and some fabulous role models and friendships through their association with AMAC. It continued with Marissa teaching dance there 5 years now!
From Angie Fraize (parent)
Alaska Moving Arts Center has been a huge part of our lives for well over 10 years now! Kinder music, ballet, tumbling, karate, modern dance, BearCubs, we’ve done it all! Keeping moving and being healthy has set our kids up for a life of success. Many thanks to all the staff and instructors, Ms. Amy, Ms. Becky and Ms. Marissa to name a few! Thank you!
From Charlotte (a three year old at Indoor Playground)
We go to the Moving HEARTS Center.