A Martial Arts and Dance Studio
Alaska Moving Arts Center

Replacing fear with knowledge, skill, and power, by enhancing a child’s critical thinking abilities and physical resistance skills, our programs provide the opportunity for children to recognize, avoid, resist, and if necessary escape violence or harm while remaining joyful and safer in our world today.
radKIDS Spring Break Camps 2025
Course fee $100 plus $40 AMAC registration fee if not current
Returning students only need to have a current AMAC registration
Ages 8-12 March 10-13th 1:00-4:00
Please fill out the AMAC registration form and check mark the appropriate radkids camp
Course fee includes hands-on instruction, a family manual and workbook
There is a free-return-to-class policy until age 13

Norah simulation
radkids simulation
Since it's inception in 1998, radKIDS, Inc. has been committed to providing education that enhances the ability of children and parents to utilize knowledge, skills, and power to protect themselves from violenceand harm.
radKIDS: Making A Difference
radKIDS strengthens family, encourages physical fitness, and teaches core safety values to live by through its program. Fun, activity-based programs include lecture, safety drills, muscle memory exercises and dynamic simulation. radKIDS community based programs have been offered as after school programs, day camps, recreation programs, as well as through scouting and religious youth groups.
250,000children have been trained in the radKIDS personal Empowerment Safety education program.
More than 3500community based instructors have beentrained in over 44 states and Canada.
74 children threatened with abduction used their skills and returned safely to their families.
Hundreds of children spoke up and got the help they needed to stop the abuse.
Through radKIDS training, children become empowered and learn to replace the fear, confusion, and panic or dangerous situations with confidence, personal safetyskills, and self-esteem.
National Network
Community-based organizations receive training and support from national headquarters to provide the radKIDS program as a part of their own youth work. These groups, which have safety goals compatible with those of radKIDS, include police departments, educational organizations, civic groups, fraternal organizations, citizens' groups and concerned parents.
The radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program is a 12-hour family centered safety education program that emphasizes essential decision-making skills as well as physical resistance options to escape violence. Children from 5-12 years of age participate in the program with their adult partners to create a true safety partnership.
"There is no better investment for a community and society than to invest in their children's safety and well being. As we stand today, approximately 22% of our population is comprised of children; We can be assured they make up 100% of our future." - Stephen M. Daley
Certified Instructors Becky Hesser and David Horst
$75.00 course fee
$40.00 registration fee required.